Sunday, April 20, 2008

God Wants the Church To Prosper

I think that this is a great article that explains prosperity "with a purpose". The purpose being for us Christians "to be blessed to be a blessing" to others & spreading the Gospel. :)

God Wants the Church To Prosper
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

Prosperity comes in many different forms. There is social prosperity and mental prosperity, and there is professional prosperity. Once you marry, you can also experience marital prosperity.

There is parental prosperity in terms of raising your children, and physical prosperity in terms of your health. No Christian has a problem with any of these ways through which God can prosper us. No minister, theologian, or church denomination will tell you that any of these areas of prosperity are bad, or of the devil.

When it comes to financial and material prosperity, however, that is an entirely different ballgame. When you begin to talk about those two forms of prosperity, you become a target. All the worms come out of the woodwork, and you might even have some people talk about you.

But I know the true reason these attacks come. Satan knows that if he can keep Christians poor, he can hinder the proclamation of the gospel. And he has done a good job of keeping Christians poor up to the present time.

It costs money to proclaim the gospel. It costs money to build or rent a church building, to provide a pastor for a congregation, to equip a church sanctuary. Christians need an environment in which they can hear the Word, fellowship with one another, and grow in the knowledge of God.

Satan knows that if he can keep us poor, keep us barely making it, keep us struggling to provide for our own individual households, then we will have limited resources to give to the Church. By our poverty, he can prevent us from sending out those who need to carry the message of Jesus Christ to others. It's a conspiracy! A person cannot give what he or she does not have, especially when the person does not know how to get it.

The world's system is not designed to aid your financial independence - not when you are a child of God. It will allow a few of Satan's kids to get wealth, so that others will think they are going to become wealthy too, but the enemy certainly does not want the Church to become financially prosperous. That is why he has so cleverly infiltrated theology.

The very people who should be supporting one another are attacking one another. We have enough opposition coming from Satan, so we don't need any coming from our brothers and sisters in Christ. When a minister or another Christian starts talking about money, non-Christians and Christians alike get on the person's case. They automatically think the minister is a crook or charlatan.

I can handle what the world says, but it becomes a bitter pill to swallow when your Christian brethren criticize you for talking about prosperity. Nevertheless, we have to talk about money. This is especially true if you have a television ministry. It costs the same amounts of money to be in Christian media as it does to be in secular media.

However, it would take me years to go around the world and physically teach the Word to as many people as I can reach in one hour via television. Television is the least expensive way to reach the greatest number of people in the shortest length of time, although it costs megabucks to do so.

The bottom line is, no matter what medium a person uses, spreading the gospel quickly boils down to dollars and cents. Therefore, if anyone ought to be sympathetic to the idea of material and financial prosperity, it ought to be Christians. Christians need to learn how to prosper, so that the Church can bring glory to God.

God wants you to prosper. Until you are convinced of this, you will never prosper. When you realize that Jesus and His disciples were not poor, but rather had wealth, you will begin to understand that you don't need to be poor to serve Him.

Joshua 1:8:
"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

You can see it in the Word: God wants you prosper. There was a time when I did not think God liked me too well because I am Black. It looked like all the Black folk I knew did not have very much. I thought that God just arbitrarily decided that He was going to prosper a particular man or woman, and put another man or woman on welfare.

When I discovered what the Word of God says in scriptures like Joshua 1:8, I got happy. I found out at last that it was up to me whether I prospered, and that it had nothing to do with the color of my skin.

It was up to me to meditate on His Word day and night. It was my responsibility to never let that Word depart from my mouth, and to observe to do it. After I did that, He said I would make my way prosperous.

When I discovered what God said in Joshua 1:8, I decided that I was going to be prosperous. I was going all the way.

If you are willing to do it God's way, you can prosper.

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