"Life is a Journey, not a Destination!"
I was just brainstorming the other day & since my birthday is next week; I had fun looking back & jotting down a few things that I have learned about life & myself along the way.:) Wow-- I sure have grown! :)
I've learned that:
1. I believe that the Lord puts dreams in our hearts for a good reason. Give your dreams over to God & trust that he will work them out in his own timing and not our own! :)
2. In elementary school, I occasionally got into trouble for staring out the window and daydreaming. Today, I am still dreaming with childlike faith & I still dream big! Ive also learned that when a dream dies, then just dream another dream for another opportunity to come my way! :)
3. Share your dreams with those who understand and and can be supportive. Life is full of naysayers, so I try to not to let them discourage me & give up on the dreams that the Lord has put in my heart! :)
4. Attitude is everything-- choosing to be positive makes a big difference in rising above adversities! Ive heard it said that our ATTITUDE determines our ALTITUDE in life. :)
5. Dont sweat the small stuff and pick your battles carefully. Life is just too complicated as it is! :)
6. Forgive others quickly & turn offenses over to God. Holding unforgiveness in our hearts is like drinking poison ourselves and wishing the other person dead & a hazard to our health!
I'd rather focus on what someone has done FOR me, rather that TO me. :)
7. Having a child diagnosed with Autism isnt a death sentence-- It just means that the Lord trusted me & my husband enough to care for this very special child . I feel honored that we are entrusted with Noahs care.
8. Everyone is not going to like me and that is okay, cause I like who I am. I no longer let others opinions define me.
9. Standing up for what I believe in, even if it means losing a few friends along the way!
10. To Not take things so personally.... why carry the burden?
11. Sometimes when someone/something annoys me, it is like looking into a mirror image of a certain weakness inside of myself that needs my attention. This can be good thing, even though its painful sometimes... cause we all want to grow, right???
12. The word "FEAR" is just False Evidence Appearing Real!
13. Dont live in the past, cause I cant move forward if I am still looking backward!
14. Dont waste precious time worrying about what others think-- cause I wont always be able to please everyone.
15. If I dont like my circumstances and I cant change them, then I try to change the way that I think about it. Getting a fresh perspective & looking for the bright side of somthing surely works!
16. To not beat myself up over past mistakes and things that I cant change or have no control over. I'd rather focus on my milestones and not my mistakes.
17. Home is wherever we make it and it is so much more than my familys address whether it be a house or an apartment. Besides, its the memories that I cherish the most... :) I still have fond memories of when I was a single Mom living in an apartment with my 'tween boys before I met and married Joel.
18. To treat our grown children as equals and enjoy their friendship. I may or may not always like their choices, but I have to realize that I have to cut the apron strings sometime and give them the freedom to make their own choices/mistakes or how will they learn and grow?
19. I never let a day go by without telling my children/family/spouse how much I love them, cause tommorrow is never certain.
20. Its okay to indulge every now and then to get away from the kids.
Ive heard it said that "Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others," which is so very true& time away from my kids makes me a better Mom!
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