Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Possessions Don't Define Us.

I have been contiplating this a lot lately & happen to run across this article on the net. We will be in the process of moving once we sell our home. I thought this was a great perspective that basically that sends the message that our possessions dont really define who we really are. We are not the car we drive or the house we live in since everything belongs to God anyway.

Joel and I have aquired a lot of stuff in our 8 year marriage-- so I am letting this be a helpful guide as we plan what to keep and what to give away. One of my most prized possesions is a old & tattered, worn out Bible that belonged to my Grandfather that I inherited when my father went home to be with the Lord in 2002.

The pages are worn and yellow; but as I turn each page-- they remind me a lot of who I am. I know my heritage defines who I really am a whole lot more than what I could ever own while living here on Earth & that really means a lot to me. :)

On Faith
Ann Thomas Rinker

Can you imagine what it might be like if you were to lose everything you own in a fire or flood or in some other way?

What one thing would you miss the most? What items do you feel you couldn’t live without?

What are your greatest material possessions?

I was flipping the channels this morning and caught a story on one of the morning shows about family who had lost their home and all their earthly goods in a fire.

I am not certain how long ago this occurred, but I do know that the house was gone; all possessions, everything, lay in ashes.

The family had been on vacation at the time of the fire and came home to find a shell of a building where there home once stood.

The wife and mother of this family, Betsy Kramer, did not appear on television for our pity, but for us to learn something from her loss.

She told the interviewer that at first she felt as if she ‘‘wasn’t strong enough” to handle the situation. Then she noticed her daughter sleeping.

Looking up at what was the little girl’s room, she realized that ‘‘all was not lost because her child was spared; her family was safe.”

It took losing everything for her to realize just how unimportant these things actually were.

The family now lives in a newly constructed house and their possessions have been streamlined to include only what they truly need.

Today, the woman works as a professional organizer helping others get their lives in order, relieving them of the clutter which can control them.

She said she hopes her work enables her clients to embrace what is really important and to recognize what truly creates happiness in one’s life.

A bit later I flipped to another channel and soon became mesmerized by a story about a young man who was born with a disorder that left him without leg muscles.

Even after multiple surgeries his legs remain limp, much like soggy spaghetti noodles. At 15, he made what would be an important decision; he decided to teach himself to break dance.
Dance he does and boy can he wow the crowds with his self-taught abilities. He has even won awards in dance competitions.

He credits his parents with teaching him to reach his highest potential, citing his dad’s advice, ‘‘Your first failure is not to try.”

This young man, known to his fans as ‘‘Lazy Legs,” uses his time going to schools for deaf and disabled children, giving talks and demonstrations to motivate them to reach their potentials.

It was amazing to witness the children’s response to this man, Luca Patuelli. He tells his listeners, ‘‘maybe you can’t have it all, but you can have what is important.”

His encouragement and personal triumphs allow these disabled kids to dream dreams that they perhaps had never dared before.

Ms. Kramer and Mr. Patuelli show, by their examples and in telling their stories, just how precious life is, in all of its forms.

Happiness doesn’t come from things any more than the fact that our possessions should not define who we are.

We are more than our physical abilities or limitations. We are the spirit within us.

Our treasures are our God-given bodies; our loved ones; our dear friends; our hopes and dreams. We are not the car we drive; the fancy house we live in, the crowd we run around with; or the way we look, dress, or feel. We are so much more than that.

As children of God we are the spirit of love made in His image. What a gift it is to hear the stories of Betsy Kramer and Luca Patuelli. Will our own stories be as inspiring to others? Will they be as faithful to God’s hope for our lives?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slipping through my fingers.....

This song from Mamma Mia emotionally hit me when I heard it. It just fits perfectly to what I am going through lately. My middle son, Jeremy is moving into his first rental house in Bremerton with some friends today-- and it has brought some mixed emotions from sadness to excitement for me.

I will miss those days that I thought wouldnt ever end. Jeremy & I used to hang out & I remember how his friends used to call me "the cool Mom". I will miss the days when he & his brother Josh, used to come through the door afterschool & tell me about their day. Its strange, as even I have one more child still at home; It feels like an era is gone... but a new one just beginning around the bend as we wait for an offer on our house.

Of course, our 6 year old; Noah will be starting the 1rst grade in less than two weeks now & I will be soon taking the traditional walk to the school bus stop on the corner on his first day of school. Will I get weepy?? Of course-- Estrogen city here! LOL.

Where does time go? I will try to remember on the challenging days, that one day I will look back and miss these days... from good to bad & try not to complain.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Since the 19th falls on a work week; Hubby & I went out to lunch and a movie yesterday to celebrate our 8th Anniversary. Mamma Mia was hilariously funny! I cant wait until it comes out on DVD! I was impressed with Meryl Streeps vocals.. she can really belt out a tune.

This song is one of my favs from the movie. It takes me back to the 70's when my gal pals and I would have fun with this song--just a few of us junior high girls with hairbrushes for microphones, dancing around and acting silly, can anyone relate??? LOL :) Brings back fond memories!!!! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Joy of the Lord

Our family and extended family has a lot going on in our lives right now, so this is a great reminder for me.

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength!
Alan Riley

Sometimes we in the church are accused of glossing over the fact that life can be hard. We sometimes tend to give the impression that all you need to do is give your heart to Jesus and all of your problems will be solved, all your bills will be paid, you will have success and prosperity and everything you touch will turn to gold.

If you are a Christian, you will have a continual smile on your face and always be happy. We make all our baskets, we sink all our putts, we close all our deals. Does that sound like your testimony? I know it doesn't sound like mine! I think the problem is that we've confused joy with happiness. Happiness is dependent on happenings.

Circumstances in your life dictate whether or not you are happy. Joy, on the other hand is a gift from God - a fruit of the Spirit that transcends whatever is happening in your life.

Joy allows you to rise —even to soar— above difficult circumstances, challenges, and heartaches. Joy comes from knowing Who is in control and that He has a plan to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

We do not draw our strength from the great feeling we get when things go right; if we did, we would be powerless when hard times and adversity hit, and we would all be easy pickings for the devil.

No, it is the joy of the Lord that is our strength! Jesus wasn't happy about going to the cross. He prayed the night before "If there is any other way, let this cup pass from me..." But He did have joy in obedience.

The writer to the Hebrews put it this way: "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." There was joy for the Lord Jesus even in the pain and the agony of the cross because He knew the end result of His obedience and sacrifice would be the offer of salvation for you and me. Jesus chose to go through hell for us rather than to go to heaven without us.

In the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul talks about joy over and over again. Yet he wrote that letter to the church at Philippi while he was imprisoned in horrible conditions. How could he write about joy while imprisoned in a dark, cold, rat-infested Roman cell? It's because joy is not dependent on circumstances!

When you and I face tough times, we can draw on great reserves of joy that are rooted in our knowledge of the faithfulness of God. That's how Job was able to say in the midst of tragedy, heartache and great loss, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15, KJV) He knew God and He trusted God. That is how he could have "joy in unrelenting pain" (Job 6:10, NIV)

Job's friends made the mistake of misjudging Job. But what was worse, they misrepresented God. They presumed to speak for God in telling Job he needed to repent. Job's friends naturally assumed that since things weren't going great for Job, he wasn't living right, and God was punishing him for his sins. I'm afraid the spirit of Job's friends is still very much with us. We see and hear it just about every Sunday.Now, don't get me wrong here— I've spent most of my life in church.

Since I was a teenager I have either worked for a church or worked with organizations that worked with churches. I love the church. I love church people. But let's be honest—sometimes we have a problem keeping it real. We look at each other and smile real big and say, "I'm fine! We're all fine! How about you? Are you fine?" while inside we're hurting. The problem is if I admit to you that I am hurting or struggling, you might assume that I'm not spiritual enough. To avoid that I just pretend that everything is fine, when it really isn't.

If there is any place on earth that you should be able to keep it real, it ought to be the church. God's Word tells us to confess our faults to each other so we may be healed. (James 5:16) But you can't confess your faults if you are afraid to let me know that you have any!

In the church we, like Job's friends, have bought into the notion that "spiritual" Christians don't have any problems. But if you think about it for a minute I believe you will agree with me that the most spiritual people I have ever known were those who had walked through deep dark valleys of sorrow and heartache yet through it all their faith and trust never wavered.

It wasn't the smiley-faced folks pretending to be perfect who touched my heart, it was those who I saw pressed on every side but not crushed, cast down but not destroyed. It was in those people that I saw that indeed the joy of the Lord is our strength. I want to be one of those people! Lord, help me to draw my strength from your gift of joy and not from my feelings or present circumstances!

Rev. Alan Riley is the Director of Web Operations for Streaming Faith and serves as the Managing Editor of He is an ordained Baptist Minister and a frequent contributor to the Streaming Faith Daily Devotional. His personal blog can be found at

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

To Reach a Rainbow....

Noah's kindergarten class sang this song on the last day of school & the words just stuck with me.It really puts things in perspective.... Ahhhhh.... faith of a child.... every adult needs a good dose of it from time to time. We can still learn a lot from children. I know I have by just watching our son, Noah. He just lives in the moment and totally enjoys himself.

To Catch a Star

To catch a star,
You have to ride a cloud,

To reach a rainbow,
You need to dream out loud

You can do anything,
I know...

You can do anything.. I know it..
If you try....
and believe...

Don't let nobody tell you...
You're less than great...

Cause we all are human...
and sometimes we make mistakes...

You can do anything,
I know...
You can do anything... I know it..
If you try.... and believe.. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Do not think of your fault; still less of others' faults...
Look for what is good and strong and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes...
--John Ruskin

If we keep focused on our faults and problems, guess what we'll get more of? If we keep our minds always on our shortcomings, we're virtually guaranteeing that those shortcomings will be major parts of our lives for a long time to come. We'll strengthen them and give them more power in our lives, just by keeping our minds on them.
But is that what we really want to do?
There are many, many examples of the good and the strong, the loving and the compassionate in the world. And as we see those examples, if we keep our focus on it we can bring it into our lives more regularly--it can become the most common element of our lives if we but keep it in our minds and imitate it all that we can. We shouldn't be faultfinders, and we shouldn't stay focused on faults any more than they deserve--and they certainly don't deserve much of our focus at all...
There's been an awful lot written about the Law of Attraction, the concept that we attract to ourselves in life exactly what we think of. By thinking about certain things, we cause ourselves to be much like magnets, attracting to ourselves things that are just like our thoughts. Focusing on our faults, then, causes us to focus on being critical, on looking at the negative side of ourselves, creating a magnetic pull to other elements that simply will perpetuate our focus on our faults...
By keeping my mind on the positive, though, I attract more positive things to me--more positive people and situations and outcomes. And as my faults matter less and less, they go away, killed by neglect.
And I may even find that some of what I thought were faults actually are among my greatest virtues!

~ Living Life Fully ~

Monday, August 11, 2008

Noah's House

Noah never ceases to amaze me. He has such a creative mind! Our house is for sale right now, so Noah decided that he was going to create himself a new one-- complete with a lego security gate.
Hey, its cute-- even though the box was formerly used to hold cat litter and makes a cozy home for his stuffed animals. What more could you ask for, right??? LOL :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bucket List Questions


If you haven't got a clue what to do, and haven't got a "bucket list", here are 50 things you can mull around and meditate upon.Set aside some time read them over. And then, start working through them giving them each a lot of thought. Good luck!

1. What would you love to do or accomplish, before you die?

2. If you were to begin to achieve that/these, what is the first change you would start to make?

3. What would you need to include MORE of in your life?

4. What would you need to have LESS of in your life?

5. Rewrite your goal(s) so it is 'moving towards' something, rather than 'moving away' from something?

6. What is YOUR personal definition of success?

7. If you had to guess your life purpose, what would it be?

8. What daily habits could you replace with a better daily habit? List them.

9. What would a massive action 'look like' for you?

10. What action would you take, if you knew you could not possibly fail?

11. What has worked for you when accomplishing past personal goals?

12. What can you see about any past setbacks, which may actually benefit you?

13. What are you tolerating/putting up with?

14. What will you do, to completely erase petty things that are bothering you?

15. For what will you take 100% responsibility, from now?

16. If you were your own coach, what coaching would you give yourself right now?

17. Who and what are you listening to, most of the time? How will you change that, if it needs changing?

18. What do you keep saying to yourself that usually hinders your progress?

19. What could you now keep saying to yourself, to empower you?

20. What could you get done this week that you know needs doing?

21. For that task, what is the first step and the next step?

22. What could you put in your environment to remind you of your promises to yourself?

23. What could you include in each day to create and hold your vision for your future?

24. What have you 100%, decided to achieve?

25. What ways do you benefit by NOT deliberately moving toward what you want?

26. What activities and new habits will you deposit into your future, this month?

27. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited to you feel about taking these actions?

28. What could increase that score?

29. What are your highest aspirations for this year?

30. What are the greatest lessons you have learned in life?

31. What is life asking you to do differently?

32. What are you now willing to do that you've been unwilling to undertake?

33. What non-negotiable decision are you willing to make for your life, and stick to?

34. What in your life needs immediate attention?

35. What strategies could you use to better manage your daily priorities?

36. What is perfect about where you are in your life right now?

37. Describe in detail, your feelings once all your goals are achieved?

38. Which books could you read, people could you call and places could you visit that support your goals?

39. In what way are you a better person this year than last year? What will be your answer, next year?

40. Where will you fine-tune your use of time in the next 24-hours?

41. Is there anything you are ignoring, to which you should be paying attention? Be honest!

42. What are you most excited about now? What are you looking forward to?

43. What ways will you will get more energy into your life?

44. What newly created, personal standard(s) will you abide by, come hail, rain or sunshine?

45. What are your greatest strengths and how will you leverage them?

46. What would you most like to be acknowledged for, so far in your life?

47. What do you need to give yourself so that you can give more to others?

48. What new belief could you take on to speed up your personal decision-making processes?

49. What do you already know for certain? Is that the truth?

50. List all the benefits that you got from completing this exercise, and what are your next steps forward?

Source: Thea Westra, Senior Thought Leader, Forward Steps

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

So Whats on Your Bucket List?

Last night I watched "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It was a story about two terminally ill patients who make up a "bucket list"-- which is basically a list of things to do before they "kick the bucket".

I found this movie both endearing and inspiring. What caught my attention is when one character asked the other 2 questions:

Have you found joy in your life?

Have you brought joy to other peoples lives?

Even though I could answer both questions with a positive yes; it was the last question that caught my attention the most & it became a revelation for me. Isnt that what life is all about anyway-- thinking less of ourselves and bringing joy to one anothers lives???

I will keep that in mind in the days ahead- bringing joy to other people. Now that is one of the keys to true happiness & will become a priority on my bucket list!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Time to break out the butt paste! LOL

Hubby and I got a laugh over this one & has become a running joke in our house lately!
BTW-- yes, it is a real product. See for yourself at!