harm us. (See: Jeremiah 29:11)
Very recently-- my husband interviewed for a position in Texas. We were all set to go forward with our plans to sell our house since we thought that he would begin his new position in June. It was crushing to hear that the company abruptly decided to go in an alternate direction. But, after picking up the pieces, I now know that the Lord closed that door for a reason.
One of those reasons is that the townhomes in our community aren't selling as rapidly as we thought & there are 6 townhomes for sale in our little townhome complex alone. We could have faced financial hardship having to pay our mortgage plus additional housing expenses for my husband in Texas until our townhome was sold.
Today I will rejoice in that revelation while still knowing that there are bigger and better plans in store for our family in the near future. :) I take great comfort in knowing that there are still better days ahead.
I plan to remain hopeful, cause I know that the Lord will honor my positive attitude & reward that kind of faith eventually. I'd rather keep a positive attitude than being negative; which will only only pull me in the other direction and further away from the Lord eventually bringing our dreams to come to pass.
I heard it once said that God never gives us rainbows without the rain! :)
Its all how you look at it! :) :)

Graceful Guidance
At some point in our lives, we are likely to find ourselves asking for help, perhaps from no one in particular, and without knowing where help could possibly come from. We may have raised our eyes skyward or whispered our need under our breath only to find that somehow we were heard, and the help we needed arrived. It might have come in the form of a person who appeared at the right time, or perhaps it came in the form of luck, chance, or divine intervention.
However assistance appears, these are times when we can be sure that there are angels watching over us. We may find ourselves asking for their help with simple things—like finding a parking spot or to watch over loved ones—but then we forgot to call on them when we found ourselves alone or in pain.
We don’t need to be aware of them to receive their assistance, but there is comfort in the knowledge that they are there for us when we need them. And when we remain open to their presence, we can call on them whenever we need them to connect and be nurtured by their ethereal and heavenly energy.
As symbols of grace and gentle encouragement, they can offer us comfort as they enfold us in their wings or lift our spirit as they take flight. We may be warmed by their glow, guided by their gentle nudges or inspired by their whispers in our ears. We may hear the name of our angel and feel a personal connection, but it isn’t necessary.
All they need is to be heard, to see us benefit from their guidance and perhaps to hear a word of thanks sent their way every now and then. Whether they appear in the guise of a helpful stranger, or as a thought that suddenly occurs to us, angels are our loving guides from the spiritual realm, who with a brush of their angelic wings help us to make the most of our human experience by balancing it with the spiritual awareness that all things are possible and that we are not alone
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