Well after another busy weekend, it is Monday again. So many changes going on at our house lately. If I don't stop to take things one day at a time, one step at a time.. I could easily find myself in a downward tailspin.
The biggest thing that has happened is that after several phone interviews; My husband, Joel has been invited to for an interview on the 11th for a position as a compensations analyst for a software company in Austin, TX. The company has even offered to fly him in on the 10th and reimburse his expenses while he is there. With that said, we think that there might be a 80% chance of him actually getting hired.
We are quite excited about the fact that we could be relocating there very soon & we might be putting our townhome on the market as early as the end of this month.
Just for fun... looking at a lot of housing options. :) I mentioned to Joel the other night that I remember telling him in 2006 that we were going to move in 2008. Its amazing that my thoughts/faith might be now bringing this to fruitation. God is creative!
I've always dreamt of living in Texas, but when I first mentioned it to Joel back in 2004... he just wasnt interested. But, I kept on dreaming/visioning/praying anyway.... and voila.... The law of attraction works, and very biblical (See Matthew 9:29 & Proverbs 23:7) too! :) :)
The saga continues....... so stay tuned! :)
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