Sow the Seeds

God said:
Be attached to nothing. Be not attached to anything. Be not attached to trains running on time, your computer working... Anything that is manmade, you are not to be attached to. The sun will rise every day, but all your appliances and contrivances may not. They don't have to! What is it exactly that you think depends upon everything working as you expect it to?
Trees will grow leaves, and they will drop their leaves. Apple trees will blossom and bear fruit. Grass will grow. I am in Heaven, and everything that matters is on time, beloveds. These can be counted on.
Only, everything is not in your time.
This is really funny when you consider that time does not exist.
It exists for you, of course. It exists for you the same way trouble exists for you. You conceive it, and as you conceive, you believe.
What if the concept of trouble or on time did not exist? What then? Would you have troubles? Would you ever be late or early?
The Earth is ever rolling along, while the sun is still.
Stars are twinkling all day and all night long. It's just you don't see them during the day.
If My children did not conceive of trouble, Earth would rise to Heaven at this present moment of non-time.
What if everything that happens or does not happen is just right? What if there is nothing wrong?
Do you begin to see now how you have been attached to trouble? You have kept your eye out for it. In that sense, you have sought trouble more than you have sought happiness.
Now be on the look-out for happiness. Scout for happiness. Sow the seeds for happiness simply by nurturing it in your mind.
In the relative world, everything is relative. If you are having a picnic, and it rains, you call that bad. If you are a farmer, and the soil is dry, you call the rain good. Yet rain is just rain. Consider it your friend regardless of your plans. Let the sun shine in your heart always, which means right now.
Right now in this moment of stillness, all is well. Everything is in place, even though there is no such a thing as space for place to be, and yet all is well. Life triumphs. Even in death, life triumphs. Life is mighty. Give yourself over to life, and nothing will have to be but what it is. And what life is is your interpretation. You translate life, as it were. You mistranslate light. When you are fraught, you have misinterpreted life. You held it to certain standards that are not yours to impose.
Would you get off life's back for a while and just let it be? Not try to forcibly change it nor grouse about it even one more time? Will you begin to appreciate this life you have been given. Your purpose is to serve life, and not to fix it. Love life, and you will serve it, and life will change right before your eyes. It will change because you changed. Life and you are definitely reciprocal.
Everything in the world is relative. You desire designer shoes. If you had no shoes, then you would simply desire shoes.
You can have designer shoes, and still put life into perspective.
If you are not happy, you have not put life into perspective. Perceive differently. Appreciate more. Appreciate every inch, every ounce of life more. Life deserves to be appreciated. The more you appreciate life, the more you appreciate yourself and your role in life. You do have a part to play, beloveds. You are here for a reason, and you can be sure that the reason is not to complain.
~ Heavenletters ~
1 comment:
Ooo dear! But complaining is one of my strongest skills!
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