Monday, September 29, 2008

In God We Trust-- My Pastors Perspective :)

In God We Trust
Pastor Wendell Smith

It is the slogan emblazoned on all our money. In these uncertain times of national financial crisis, it is exactly what we need. Wouldn't it be refreshing to see our political leaders call our nation to prayer and ask for God's help in this predicament? Wouldn't it be revolutionary to see congressmen join hands and pray together? Wouldn't it be great if America humbled herself, as in days of old, and sought divine assistance?

Yes, practical steps must be taken to save the financial system from collapse. Yes, some institutions need to be rescued lest we all go down with their sinking ships. Most definitely, those who have driven us into this mess with their corporate greed should be confronted and forced to pay back all that may be loaned to them.

However, there are some things we can all do to lighten the ship and rescue others from shipwreck in this horrendous storm. While putting our trust in God, we should take these steps of action:

Pray for those in authority that they will understand the times, know what to do, and humble themselves to work together to solve our national dilemma.

Humble ourselves and repent of any pride, greed or self-reliance

Scrutinize our own financial stewardship and make certain we are "diversifying"; we should be tithing to the church, giving to others in need, blessing the poor, laying up money in savings and wise investments for the future. These are God's means of diversifying for believers.

In the mean time, as we prayerfully wait out this storm, let's get back to simply trusting God and encouraging others to do the same.

God bless America (so we can continue blessing others)!
For the City,

Pastor Wendell

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