Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Confident Woman

I am currently enjoying Joyce Meyer's new book "The Confident Woman." What caught my attention was: "Many people have the mistaken idea that Christianity means to do for everyone else but sacrifice everything in life you might personally enjoy. I dont believe this! We will certainly be called to times of sacrifice all throughout life and whatever God asks us to give up we should do so gladly. But we dont have to make it a contest to see just how much we can do without in life in order to try and impress and please God. Jesus said, "I came that they might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full) till it overflows (John 10:10)"

People may misinterpret this verse to say that this is meant for us in Heaven. Well, that's true... but I do strongly believe that our creator doesnt want his children to live in mediocrity & have a poverity mentality. We were meant for so much more. It gives me confidence just to know the difference of what the world perceives us to be & what God sees us as. :)

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