Saturday, September 1, 2007

Easter in September???? LOL

I got an email from my Aunt today, who was a bit confused with the e-card that I had sent her & my Uncle. Last April, I had sent a e-card for Easter, but due to some strange glitch, they just received it in their email today.

I was baffled by this myself, when I saw the subject reply on the email that she had sent me. It said "An E-card is waiting for you" & I thought to myself, I hadnt sent any them any recent e-card.. Huh??? This was strange!

Just an interesting reminder the way that the Lord speaks to us. It may not be Easter, but yes, He indeed has risen & is in control of our circumstances! :)

After the the last few weeks that we have had dealing with our 5 year old son's challenging behavior, due to His Autism.... I am thinking that this e-mail glitch wasn't a glitch at all... after all, the Lord works in mysterious ways & will be creative with ways to speak to us & get our attention. :)

Amen! :)

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