Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Techniques Discovered to Reverse Autism.

I am always trying to keep up with the latest news regarding Autism on the net. Noah is becoming my science lately & I am always on the lookout for anything that will help our son toward recovery.

I found this article to be informative-- especially cause Noah has a lazy right eye. We will definately be checking into getting his eyes checked sometime this Fall!

New Techniques Discovered to Reverse Autism

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Santa Monica, California based HOEFFLIN I6S Child Education Institute (“I6S”), a non-profit corporation, specializes in analyzing the many complex problems facing children and their families who have Learning Disabilities and Developmental Brain Disorders (DBD).

I6S will develop a simple, highly effective, minimal cost solution and teach it to the mothers/caretakers who so often feel helpless and want to be knowledgeable and active in helping their child.

Autism is a neurological “BELT” Syndrome consisting of Behavioral Disorders, Eye-Visual Disorders, and Language Disorders, and it Takes a child away and into their own world.
Studies show, 1 in every 65 families has a child with Autism.
Over the last 6 years, “I6S” has been performing specific research on assisting those mothers/caretakers who may be the only one that is helping their Autistic Child. The work has revealed some groundbreaking techniques that have shown how to stop the progression and often reverse Autism.

Autism is caused by loss of left brain function. Four new techniques are used to stop and reverse the loss by using: (1) “Right Brain Sensory Patching,” (2) “Left Brain Sensory-Motor Hyperstimulation,” (3) A very effective special community based learning environment called “PEDS-NET” (Parent Education Directed Schooling in a Neighborhood Educational Training Program) where 3-4 “Lion Pride Mothers” and their child cubs train together in a special secure home environment and (4) A unique “Focused Stepladder Training Program.”

The major part of the program is based on the success at stopping and reversing another child’s neurological disorder. Up to 80% of Autistic children have one crossed eye (Strabismus). Over several months the eye will lose vision unless an “Eye Patching Program” is started. This can stop and actually reverse the visual loss. Likewise, as soon as a child is diagnosed with Autism, a “Brain Patching Program” is started and it too can stop loss of left brain function and actually reverse Autism.

In order to increase the effectiveness, the mothers will also hyperstimulate the 5 sensory and 2 motor nerve impulses going to the left brain. The mothers perform this by using continuous eye stimulation with visual wavelengths of light, continuous music to one ear, stimulating odors and tastes to one side of the nose and tongue, and tickling, stimulating and moving the right arms and legs. When there is a lack of speech, communication is started in a “Focused Stepladder Program,” first by silent gestures, silent pictures, and then oral sounds, then using a different part of the brain to sing letters, words, and then singing sentences.

Unfortunately up to 50% of Autistic children have significant visual disorders that go undiagnosed. As an example, children do not make eye contact with their mothers because the poorly functioning left brain causes a central blind spot. Dr. Hoefflin states that, “One can see how this looks by raising the tips of both index fingers up in front of both of your pupils and then move them until you touch your eyelids. You will not be able to see through the center of your vision, but just around the sides.” Therefore, children cannot see centrally in order to see their mothers, unless they bend or turn their heads. These various eye disorders also explain other Autistic behavior such as rocking, fixation on a spinning object, tip toeing, compulsive organization so they can easily see their own objects, fear and anxiety with changes and tantrums when they are moved.

Dr. Steven Hoefflin, “I6S” founder and main benefactor, began his work 32 years ago when his younger son was born with severe neurological disorders. He began a successful intensive home training program and has developed many very unique learning techniques. Over the last 3 decades, he has shared these with hundreds of mothers in 30 countries who had children challenged by severe learning disorders and Developmental Brain Disorders (DBD). Dr. Hoefflin is currently completing a five volume text/DVD program titled: “The Reversal of Autism: New Prevention, Early Detection, and Successful Treatment.” The Second Volume is titled “Learn How to Learn, Think How to Think, and Become an Intellectual Genius.” It is a unique 1 year, very specialized, animated learning program based on the Doctor’s discovery of how Savant Geniuses learn and think. Clearvision Productions is currently formatting and producing instructional DVDs and animated films for the mothers and children.

For more information, visit the website hoefflin.com and click on the link www.i6s.org.

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